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Handling multiple c...
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Handling multiple catalogs

4 Posts
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I have set up a catalog of my movie disks.  I want to encourage up to 16 friends in our town's u3a group to do the same, and to exchange movie catalogs within the group (by emailing Filmotech reports).  This is in order to let all friends see what movies group members have and are prepared to share with each other.  The sharing will either be by physical exchange of disks, or by meeting up at one member's house and screening (and discussing) the movie(s) of common interest.

I may have to host all catalogs on my Windows pc.  How can I have multiple catalogs on one pc?  There seems to be no field on the Filmotech database for location or media owner, so each database report will need to be labelled with the media owner's name.  Some group members may be reluctant to download and use Filmotech.

Comments very welcome. 

Postscript.  Filmotech is quick and easy for me to use: just enter the movie title, look it up and select one of those found in the internet search, and full movie details are donwloaded.  In contrast other freeware looked more complicated to use and/or was not reliable.

3 Answers
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I realise now that I may be able to use the "Reference" field to achieve my aim.  However I had not checked this field for inclusion when creating my catalog of 47 movies.  I am not sure on which if any of the standard reports this field will be shown.  I could experiment but I do not really want to re-enter all 47 movies again, unless someone can tell me that Reference will be included in the standard reports.  I can see that you can Search with it.  Advise me please.


For multiple catalog, just create multiple profile. Each one will have it's own database and settings. You can easily switch between profiles with the menu on the top right corner of the main window.

If you want to create your own report, just create a new view from the settings with the columns you want to use, then the view will be added to the available reports.

Topic starter

I've set up several different profiles - thanks.

I do not understand your suggestion of creating a new view from settings.  When I look at Cog wheel / Profile, or Print icon / options, I see no such settings

Filmotech 15/04/2024 2:39 pm

@johndb Go to Settings / List Mode. Create a new list (+ on lower left corner), name it. Select the columns you wish to print. Save settings.
In the list, adjust the width of your column if needed. You can switch back to the current column settings with the contextual menu / Display and select the default view for example.
Then, in the print view, in the format section, select "Use columns from" and the menu will show you the new list created run the settings.