Here you can download the official version of Filmotech and other tools.
Filmotech comes without documentation. If you encounter difficulties, do not hesitate to use the forum at your disposal for this purpose.
For ease of installation, you can go to First steps with Filmotech.
Filmotech for Mac/PC
Filmotech MAC / PC – Version 3.11.2 – 09/16/2024
macOS (Universal, min. 10.14)
Windows (10/11) 32 bits
Windows (10/11) 64 bits
Filmotech for mobiles and tablets
Filmotech ScriptEdit: Editor for internet search scripts
Filmotech ScriptEdit MAC / PC – Version 3.5.1 – 03/11/2022
macOS (Universal, min. 10.12)
Windows (10/11) 32 bits
Release note for Filmotech 3.11.2 – 09/16/2023
- Added a barcode scan for internet search on DVDfr
- Added a button on the database backup screen to open the folder
- Checking the presence of the URL and the access identifier in the publication wizard
- Fixed an error in the PHP publishing API
- Fixed search bar in dark mode